Perfect Property Solutions donates K3Million to Surveyors Institute of Malawi

By Linda Kwanjana

As preparations for this year’s  Surveyors Institute of Malawi (SIM) Annual General Conference is at an advanced stage, Perfect Property Solutions donates MK3 million towards the indaba.

Perfect Property Solutions Business Manager , Willy Mwawa, for  says as a member of SIM, they thought it wise to contribute as these conferences help to shape them as professionals in their growth and development while fostering the professionals.

“We are looking forward to have a successful event, you may also recall that last year we also donated for the same event as this shows the level of commitment that we have to the growth of professionals and excellence for the industry,” he said.

Among others, Perfect Property Solutions do real estate consultancy offering property valuation services, property management services, land acquisition services, as well as visibility studies for different investors.

In his remarks, the SIM Secretary General at QS Bernard Mleta commended Perfect Property Solutions for the timely gesture as they still have short falls, and they have come in to bridge that gap.

“So far, we have two funding streams in terms of the budget. The first one is a subscription from individuals, and then the second one is the sponsorship. So far, we have almost MK9 million sponsorship. Yes! We see ourselves raising to forty million target because people are eager to because what we are going to discuss there are issues that affect us surveyors as professionals at large,” Mleta said.

The conference is scheduled from 26th to 27th September 2024 under the theme “Resilience and Adaptation, Thriving in Challenging Economic Times,” as they focus more on the role of surveyors.

The indaba is paged at MK40 million.